Snuffy Kilborn, a graduate of the Heil H Academy, went on to say, "A free press is a dangerous thing when it interferes with a guy doing what a guy wants to do. I have known since puberty that fee-male blogging communities are run by freedom loving revolutionaries who want to wipe out cyber bullies above all else!" Fingering a pustule on his chin, the young censor sputtered, "I recommend that all blogs be state controlled, and blogs written by fee-males be censored by Team Goolag!"
Mr. Churchwell, seen blogging hate in an Internet cafe, said happily, "Everything Snuffy said is correct. Women who blog should be brought under state control in all countries. It is the only way I'll ever get any peace!"
This story is a parody. Snuffy Kilborn is completely fictitious.
Proclaiming in recent essays that he is a psycho, Churchwell added, "Getting Snuff to clear me was a long process and the closest I ever came to having a real job. My one million emails to him worked!"
Herr Kilborn's mother issued a statement of her own: "Can Snuffy resign now, please?"
This story is a parody. Snuffy Kilborn is completely fictitious.