The staff at Google rocked with laughter last week, as the opaque glass doors of the home office hissed open and in walked a naked elderly man.
The old man was no ordinary naked old man. It was hate blogger Thomas Churchwell - in the flesh, too. The first words out of his mouth were, "Where's that moron I sent the million emails to?"
Office intern Jason Nerdo, pictured above, pointed to a small office next to the water coooler. "Over there! His name is Lowman. By the way, big ass!"
"Who? Me or him?"
"Well, both I guess!"
The angry Churchwell jiggled the few yards and slammed the door behind him. The shocked, young executive stood and was so flustered, he offered his computer's mouse in lieu of a handshake.
Churchwell immediately unloaded at the stupified young man. "OK, Lowman. That Breaking News blog. I am the first to admit that I love reading about myself, but I hate women! I want them off the Internet! Doesn't anyone here share my hatred of women?"
"Uh... it's a parody blog. I didn't take it seriously," countered Lowman cautiously. "Look, people don't even take Google seriously."
The office intern cracked open the door. "You might try emailing Snuffy Kilborn," he told the fuming Churchwell. "He's one of our censors."
Lowman said, "By the way, big ass!"
This story is a parody.