Washington, DC - Barack Obama, the first half-black man to be elected President of the United States, already has made the first momentous decision of his Presidency by ordering 28 trillion cans of black paint to redecorate the White House.
The White House has been painted white since 1792, but Mr. Obama's wife, Michelle, feels that to mark this important moment in history, change is needed, so the House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will truly become black.
Painting work has already begun. According to sources, one of the painters is none other than ubiquitous hate blogger Thomas Tarquin Churchwell.
A special candlelight ceremony, commemorating the official opening of the Black House, is to be held on December 24th. The President and Vice President Joe Biden, backed by a choir of Democrats, will sing, "I'm Dreaming Of A Black Christmas."
This story is a parody.