"This is a watershed moment for the Internet," said Augustus Braverton, spokesman for the Selection Committee. "We are very happy to back the Breaking News site (screenshot at left) for the ultimate journalism prize."
Before its grisly murder in November, the Breaking News parody blog was comprised of an international writing team that contributed news stories about hate blogger Thomas "Tarquin" Churchwell.
Learning of what he called, "this travesty," Churchwell lamented his failure to win the prestigious prize. On the bottom of blog lists for decades, he suggested Kokomo the gorilla would probably be awarded the prize next year. This sentiment was labeled as sour grapes by Braverton.
Braverton said, "The Breaking News writers spanned four corners of the Internet in an endless search for hysterical new stories. How could the Pulitzer Prize committee ignore such talent, skill and dedication?"
A list of other winners is expected to be announced later this week.
This story is a parody.